This Parent Involvement Compact articulates the responsibilities of the school district and of parents in fostering learning environments where all Bristol students are educated to their maximum potential.
Our compact with the parents of children in the Bristol Public Schools is to:
- Hold high expectations for students and staff performance;
- Provide and maintain a safe learning environment;
- Advocate for the budgetary needs of the district;
- Hire and retain highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals;
- Implement a clear and comprehensive curriculum'
- Provide all staff with on-going professional learning opportunities;
- Plan for future needs through long-range planning;
- Use data to make informed decisions;
- Involve parents in district-level decision making groups;
- Provide parents with information on their child's level of achievement on each of the State Academic assessments;
- Report School Accountability data annually for districts and schools;
- Inform parents of available programming to assist their child in becoming a more successful learner;
- Promptly notify the parents of students enrolled in an elementary school or a secondary school identified for school improvement of the reason for identification.
You can show your family that education is a priority by:
- Supporting the work of the schools and district by participating in school activities, on district committees, and reinforcing school learning at home;
- Assuring your child's attendance in school on time, all day, every day;
- Holding high performance expectations for your child;
- Modeling learning for your child through reading, writing, and problem-solving and maintaining regular contact with your child's teacher(s).