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Bristol Eastern High School

Parents Home

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attendance phone number absence note

Parent Responsibilities

  1. Parents are required to call the Attendance Office (860) 584-7876, Extension 2 on the morning of an absence between 7:25 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to report the absence.
  2. In addition, parents are required submit a note with an explanation of the absence. Please note that an absence will only be converted to an excused absence if the reason is defined above and a note is supplied by the parent. After the ninth absence, a doctor's note must be supplied to the school for each absence.
  3. Excessive absences (e.g., five absences in one month; ten or more absences without written documentation) may result in referral to the student's guidance counselor, the district's truancy officer, and/or other local or state agencies.
  4. Parents are encouraged to track their student's daily attendance on PowerSchool; attendance is updated daily by 9:00 am.

For a full explanation of all attendance policies, please consult the Student/Parent Handbook.